Maundy Thursday worship – April 9, 2020

Holy and Loving God, as we seek to receive this story with our whole selves –
In moving closer to Christ and his crucified love,
may we draw closer to you and your beloved world.   20190418_183839

  – You may click on the worship video below to watch and listen.  

Maundy Thursday worship with Communion – all are welcome at Christ’s table

Palm Sunday Worship – April 5, 2020

On this Palm Sunday, join in worship – We trust that you are here, O God.  We trust that your Love still lives and moves among us.  So stay with us, we pray…hear our songs and prayers, fill us with love, and send us out ready to face the future. 

Palm Sunday

  • We share the Sacrament of Communion during the Palm Sunday YouTube Worship Service.  Please come to worship with bread or crackers and juice.
  • At Ebenezer, all who seek to follow in Christ’s way are invited to share in Communion.
  • Bulletin 4-5-2020
  • Palm Sunday worship video

Worship Service – 3/29/2020 YouTube

Ebenezer YouTube worship service
Join in worship with songs, prayers, scripture, and a reflection by Rev. Lorri.  –  In the light of your love, O God, we journey through the dark places of life.  So hold us close, we pray, as we linger in these delicate days.  Though we cannot yet perceive the way from here, we do not give in to despair.  We trust in You…

– You may click on the worship video to watch and listen (after 7 am on Sunday, March 29).  This worship service will also be broadcast on WSCS channel 990 on Charter or 99 on AT&T U-Verse.  

Click here for video of worship service

Ebenezer United Church of Christ


Hope is being able to see that there IS light despite all of the darkness. ~ Desmond Tutu


In the light of your love, O God, we journey through the dark places of life.  So hold us close, we pray, as we linger in these delicate days.  Though we cannot yet perceive the way from here, we do not give in to despair.  We trust in You, who has helped us through the troubles of every generation.  We trust that You, O God, help us still. Calm our restless minds and spirits, we pray, as we are reminded, again, that You are our hope for You are with us in all things and through all things.  Amen.  

SINGING TOGETHER     When We Face An Unknown Future   By Carolyn Winfrey Gillette

When we face an unknown future that we can’t imagine yet,
when the closeness we have treasured turns from blessing into threat—
As we miss our friends and loved ones, as we crave community,
may we look, God, in this season, for a whole new way to be.

Jesus faced the lonely desert as a time to look within.
There he met such trial and conflict; there he knew you were with him.
In this time of separation when we miss the life we’ve known,
may we hear your voice proclaiming: “I am here! You’re not alone.”

May we cherish those around us as we never have before.
May we think much less of profit; may we learn what matters more.
May we hear our neighbors’ suffering; may we see our neighbors’ pain.
May we learn new ways of offering life and health and hope again.

God, when illness comes to threaten, and when so much here goes wrong,
may we know this thing for certain— that your love is sure and strong.
You’re beside us in our suffering, and when times are surely tough,
we may face an unknown future, but it’s filled, Lord, with your love.

SCRIPTURE                     Mark 13:1-8, 24-37


We usually think of ‘apocalypse’ and ‘apocalyptic texts’ as those that speak about ‘the end of times’ and the second coming of Jesus–a time to ‘fear’–so keep awake!  Yet, what we see, when we read these words of Jesus in their context in the story, is that Jesus is talking about removing the ‘veil’ before our eyes so that we can see what God is doing in the world, in and through Jesus, more clearly.  There is certainly change coming…but it’s not the change we were anticipating.  We can relate to that these days in ways we could not have envisioned days and weeks ago.  Yet, the promise of the Gospel is Good News!  So, Keep Awake!  God is here, calling you–‘electing’ you–to reveal the Love of the Living Christ that is CONSTANTLY HERE…even when it feels like everything else is changing.


SINGING TOGETHER          Heaven   by Andra Moran

Wide open spaces with places to run

Billowing clouds and a bright yellow sun

A box full of pieces that finally fit

In one complete picture I think this is it…


Beautiful flowers that grow in the yard

Holding a baby close in my arms

Finally knowing the right thing to say

Seeing Your face at the end of the day…


Well I can see that place in me

Where everything is just as it should be


Your arms around me, surround me tonight

Here in the silence with You by my side

Staring at stars on a hot summer night

Feeling the sweet touch of wind rushing by


Well I can see that place in me

Where everything is just as it should be




God of Love and Compassion, though we face difficult truths and realities, we are grateful that we do so in the company of You and one another.  As we are keenly aware of the ways we struggle with lack in these days – lack of connection, lack of certainty, lack of resources, or lack of hope – we remember that You can turn even the smallest offerings into an abundance of hope…for us and for others. Make us generous in spirit, Holy One, as we seek to be mindful of the needs of our most vulnerable neighbors. Bless all that we offer, we pray, for we know that You multiply all that we share in love.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day, our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.



Wait For God         by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan

Wait for God, be strong and let your heart take courage

Wait for God, be strong and let your heart take courage

Wait for God.

Watch and hope, be strong and let your heart take courage

Watch and hope, be strong and let your heart take courage

Watch and hope.

Stay with me, be strong and let your heart take courage

Stay with me, be strong and let your heart take courage

Stay with me

And watch and hope

And wait for God.


May Grace and Peace,  Light and Love, and
Hope and Joy be with you all.  Amen



Opening Prayer:  adapted from Spill the Beans and Enfleshed

Prayer of Dedication:  Adapted from Enfleshed