Update on the WISE Initiative – Welcoming*Inclusive*Supportive*Engaged*

WISE-Ministry-Logo Welcoming* Inclusive* Supportive* Engaged* 

As we continue to follow Safer at Home guidelines for worship, your WISE Team asks you to continue your WISE education at home. We encourage you to click below to watch two videos that explore mental health issues:

  • Mental Health: What is it and why should I care?
  • Companionship: An Introduction

Mental Health: Why Should I Care/ Companionship

Four additional videos give good insights into Ebenezer’s WISE initiative:

  • The Power of Personal Story and Breaking the Silence on Mental Illness
  • Minority Mental Health—What Does Faith Have To Do With It?
  • The “Big Three” Mental Illnesses
  • Self‐care for the Selfless

Videos with insights on mental health

An article by Rev. Megan Snell shares words of hope in these uncertain, and often overwhelming, times.  She suggests we focus on three “G” ideas as we navigate these uncharted waters: Gratitude, Grace, and Give It To God. Click below for the article.

Article by Rev. Megan Snell

Easter Sunday Worship – April 12, 2020

easter lily 2

  • Alleluia!  The tomb is empty, the stone is rolled away; Jesus is risen!  With hearts that are weary, yet rejoicing, we gather to hear the Good News:  of hope reborn, of love enduring, of life in all its fullness.
  • Click on the worship video link to watch and listen.

Easter Sunday Worship video

Good Friday Worship – April 10, 2020

candle and Bible  Holy One, as we gather in your Presence on this sacred day, you know that we yearn to ‘fast-forward’ to the celebration of resurrection.  Yet, the path of this journey leads here with you.  Give us, we pray: ears to hear, eyes to see, spirits that are open, and feet that are willing to follow.  Amen. 

Click below to join in worship.

YouTube video of Good Friday worship