Entries by Grace Rindfleisch

our faith, our voice, our vote

Living in a democracy is a precious gift, and as Christians we understand ourselves to be stewards of the gifts God has given us. With the right to participate in the political process comes the responsibility to exercise that gift on behalf of the common good. Helpful Information for the 2016 Elections Go to the Wisconsin Voter […]

Celebrating the Ministry and Ordination of Nathan Athorp

Nathan Athorp was ordained as Pastor of Outdoor Ministries in April during a service held at Pilgrim Center of the United Church of Christ on Green Lake, Wisconsin.  Pilgrim Center’s outdoor ministry provides a unique and sacred setting in which participants of all ages can explore God in their lives.  The facility provides year-round camping, retreats, and […]

Advent….A Season of Hope

We are filled with HOPE that God’s promises, made long ago, will continue to come true in our experience of the world.  The colors of our Advent candles, going from purple to dark blue, light blue, and rose, represent the sky at dawn and the hope of a new day.  The flickering flame of the candle […]

You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore

Matthew 4:18-22 “You have come down to the lakeshore Seeking neither the wise nor the wealthy, But only asking for me to follow. O Jesus, you have looked into my eyes; Kindly smiling, you’ve called out my name. On the sand I have abandoned my small boat; Now with you I will seek other seas.” […]