A Rainbow of Prayer Shawls and a Bounty of Thanksgiving Baskets

Today, we dedicated Thanksgiving food baskets and prayer shawls and blankets: “May we, and these gifts, serve you, Loving God.  May they bring comfort, change, and hope.”  The photos show only two of the many, beautifully-made prayer shawls, throws, and blankets.  Thanks to all who lovingly crafted them.  And thanks to those who purchased items for the food baskets and those who del20161120_112326ivered them today.20161120_101153

our faith, our voice, our vote

voteLiving in a democracy is a precious gift, and as Christians we understand ourselves to be stewards of the gifts God has given us. With the right to participate in the political process comes the responsibility to exercise that gift on behalf of the common good.

Helpful Information for the 2016 Elections

  • Go to the Wisconsin Voter Information site at https://myvote.wi.gov, select your “Voter Category” and enter your name and birthdate to check your registration status, find your polling place and municipal clerk contact information, see a sample ballot, and find additional voting information. You can also find out how to register to vote or re-register if your address has changed. To register to vote, you will need to bring a photo ID as well as some proof of your residence.  You can also register at the polls.
  • Photo identification is now required when you go to the polls to vote. To find out what forms of photo ID are allowed, how to obtain a free photo ID from the Department of Motor Vehicles if you don’t have one, exceptions to the requirement, etc., call your local elections official or visit the Bring It to the Ballot website, bringit.wi.gov
  • Early Voting has started – and will continue to Friday, November 4th. In Sheboygan, you can vote Monday-Friday from 8 am to 5 pm at the City Clerk’s office in City Hall (828 Center Ave.).  If you live in another municipality, check with your municipal clerk for location and hours.
  • Absentee voting – go to http://gab.wi.gov/elections-voting/voters/absentee for deadlines and other information needed if you need to vote absentee.

Made available by Wisconsin Council of Churches

Wisconsin Council of Churches website-www.wichurches.org/resources/voter-resource


Love is the point

2016-03-23 17.07.08

Celebrating the Ministry and Ordination of Nathan Athorp


Nathan Athorp was ordaiFB_IMG_1462149032285ned as Pastor of Outdoor Ministries in April during a service held at Pilgrim Center of the United Church of Christ on Green Lake, Wisconsin.  Pilgrim Center’s outdoor ministry provides a unique and sacred setting in which participants of all ages can explore God in their lives.  The facility provides year-round camping, retreats, and meeting space. Nathan explained, “As the camp chaplain, I have the privilege of having sacred conversations with (those experiencing our outdoor ministry), accompanying them along their unique spiritual journey.  It is both exciting and challenging to explore new methods of ministry within the camp setting.”